College documents




19 August 2024

RCP annual report 2023: Celebrating diversity in medicine


Our membership is a global community of over 40,000 members and fellows, spanning every career stage from medical student to emeritus consultant. It brings together doctors of all backgrounds, ethnicities and ages who work in a diverse range of roles and specialties. We’re united by our ambition to deliver the very best care for our patients, alongside a thirst for knowledge and the desire to keep learning from each other.

This formed the heart of RCP activities in 2023 under our three strategic pillars of educating, improving and influencing. Our popular conferences, regional updates and webinars provided key opportunities to come together, learn new skills and debate fresh ideas. We were also proud to launch an innovative new postgraduate certificate focusing on the care of adults with learning disabilities.

In the area of improving care, we hosted four summits in partnership with NHSE to shape the future of outpatient care. To help standardise care for inpatients with diabetes, we added a new Diabetes Care Accreditation Programme to our suite of successful accreditation programmes. We were also delighted to launch Medical Care – driving change, our online hub showcasing best practice and real-world examples of quality improvement. With a stronger campaigning focus on health inequalities, we launched a revised position paper on the topic, and celebrated the key milestone of over 250 organisations signing up to the RCP-led Inequalities in Health Alliance. We finally saw the launch of the NHS England Long Term Workforce Plan, which committed to double the number of medical students and increase postgraduate medical training places over the next decade. Although it fell as a result of the general election, we welcomed new legislation, which was introduced to create a smoke-free generation.

In terms of our financial position, high inflation and the impact of industrial action on events participation led to a small overall deficit for the year. An improvement plan was implemented as part of our long-term financial strategy, which significantly reduced our planned deficit for 2023 and will bring the RCP back into surplus in 2024.

During the year, we responded to the voices of our fellows and members on the role of physician associates. Your concerns led to an extraordinary general meeting in 2024. We are listening and responding to these concerns. We are also focused on supporting and empowering the next generation of physicians and improving working conditions for all.

The next year will be a challenge in healthcare but with your engagement and support we will advocate and lead the way forward for the medical profession.

Thank you to our members and fellows, boards and committees, officers, staff and volunteers – we couldn’t do what we do without you.