Transforming care
We're transforming care with projects that support the development and improvement of clinical services.
As the professional body for physicians in the UK, our vision is a world where everyone has the best possible healthcare. Explore our projects supporting this aim.
Medical Care – driving change
The RCP's quality improvement website by clinicians, for clinicians.
There’s constant service innovation happening in healthcare, but much of it goes under the radar. Medical Care - driving change foregrounds the improvement stories and experiences of multidisciplinary teams through webinars, blogs and other resources.
You can also access CPD points by watching Medical Care webinars on topics including medication safety, health coaching and co-production and patient safety.

Transforming outpatient care
Providing care to ‘outpatients’ is central to specialty medicine and the RCP has a key role in the development and improvement of these services.
We were pleased to work with NHS England’s Outpatient Recovery and Transformation Programme and the Patients Association in 2023 to involve and engage patients and carers, and health and care professionals from across sectors, specialities and regions on the current challenges and opportunities with the delivery of planned specialist care.
Building on this work, we will set out its vision for what that reformed planned specialist care should look like, bringing together varied expertise, evidence and the important experience and expectations of patients.

Digital health
Digital innovation presents opportunities to improve healthcare and support physicians in a sustainable way.
The RCP's digital health strategy 2022-2024 guides our work, as a system enabler for successful digital transformation in the NHS for this period, and potentially beyond.
Medical Care – driving change is the home of our digital health and transformation work.

Transforming care delivery
With an ageing population, advances in medicine and more people living longer with multiple conditions, providing high-quality care is more complex than it used to be. Rising patient demand alongside an understaffed and under resourced NHS puts increasing pressure on clinicians and the system. Patients tell us that their care can be fragmented, systems can be confusing and that they are treated by multiple healthcare teams without effective communication or collaboration.
The RCP highlights the clinical pressure members are under, advocating for the changes needed to reduce the strain on the system, alongside producing guidance to support physicians to deliver better care and transform care delivery.