College documents




01 February 2022

Summerskill equality, diversity and inclusion one-year progress report

The RCP is starting to collect diversity information across almost all its activities and working towards ensuring a wide diversity of representation on its committees and boards. A formal dashboard for monitoring and reporting on diversity and inclusion in future is being developed.

The RCP is promoting diversity and inclusion through its conferences and educational products and has published a new policy for how it presents equality, diversity and inclusion in its communications and events.

Some of the Summerskill report’s 29 recommendations relate to particular functions and have been integrated into business planning for individual departments. For those recommendations requiring cross-RCP collaboration, three task and finish groups have been established to draw on expertise around the RCP. These groups focus on showcasing diversity (digital presence and physical spaces); data, recruitment and onboarding; and volunteer roles.

A Diversity and Inclusion Delivery Group (DIDG) has been established to oversee the achievement of the recommendations. It includes staff leading various parts of the organisation, representatives from the RCP’s membership, a staff representative and Patient and Carer Network (PCN) representative and is co-chaired by the RCP’s president and its human resources lead for learning and organisational development.

You can read more about the work that has been going on by downloading ‘Our approach to improving diversity and inclusion: An update on RCP activities 1 year after the Summerskill report’, which includes sections on the RCP’s people; buildings; education and exams; showcasing diversity in communications; and tackling health inequalities.

‘Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion: A policy for how we present the RCP in communications and events’ can also be downloaded below. You can also read our guidance on the importance of using sensitive language.

The RCP will continue to work over the coming years to achieve the recommendations in the Summerskill report to increase inclusion and reflect the rich diversity in society, the RCP’s membership and the wider medical workforce. A further update on progress is planned for late 2022.