Workplace-based assessment workshop

Workplace Based Assessment

A 1-day workplace-based assessment workshop that provides an overview of the assessment methods regularly used to assess performance in the workplace, and will help develop confidence in using them fairly and effectively.

Workplace-based assessments provide an opportunity to observe, rate and feedback upon aspects of a trainee doctor's practice that are best observed in the authentic clinical environment. Typically, the assessments consist of structured forms which direct the assessor's attention towards particular aspects of clinical practice, such as communication skills, procedural skills and clinical judgement.

This course is suitable to doctors of all grades and specialties, including trainees.

What will you learn?

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • recognise the differences, and the relationships, between assessment and appraisal
  • use appropriate methods of assessment in a way that ensures reliability, validity, transparency, feasibility and educational impact
  • provide good quality, useful feedback
  • identify and maximise opportunities for workplace-based assessments
  • overcome problems related to the assessment process.

This workshop will also cover:

  • definitions and principles of assessment
  • giving effective feedback
  • mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (mini-CEX)
  • Case-based Discussion (CbD)
  • Acute Care Assessment Tool (ACAT)
  • Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS)
  • Multi-Source Feedback (MSF)
  • opportunities for assessment.

Course Fee

  • 1-day workshop fee: £290

This can be attended as a stand-alone workshop, or as part of the RCP educator accreditation.

Delivery Mode 

This event is available either online using Microsoft Teams, or in-person at our London or Liverpool sites

Future Dates

Please email to register for early notification of when future dates are live for booking.

Early-bird discounts are available for workshops booked in advance.


To discuss commissioning this workshop as in-house training for your trust, please contact us by phone on +44(0)20 3075 1555 or by email at

Membership discounts

Membership and early-bird discounts are available. More information on becoming a member, and benefits from discounted RCP members delegate rates at conferences, training and events, is available below.

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