The programme will have a particular focus on:
- how to have a significant impact to support the board and executive team
- how, as medical director, you will play a significant role in the reconfiguration of clinical services designed to enhance patient experience, as well as provide a positive environment for colleagues
- how to work nationally, regionally and locally to tackle health inequalities and champion quality of care across all clinical services.
This programme has been uniquely designed over the past 18 months by a group of doctors working at this level, including former medical directors and those currently in associate MD roles alongside a former CEO of a trust board and senior members of the RCP Education Directorate.
Careful consideration was given to research undertaken on the role in order to provide a fit-for-purpose programme. As the NHS Confederation has identified:
'A significant issue with the role of Medical Director is that there is no clear and systematic career path. In terms of preparation and training for the role, the NHS Confederation argues that although there is some value in formal management courses, more advantageous are courses which deal with actual issues encountered on the job rather than simply management theory.'
Good Governance Institute paper 2: The role of the medical director in the NHS.
We have considerable experience in designing successful programmes with a practical, work-based focus. This programme will include action learning sets and group working enabling participants to focus on a project which will impact on their own trust. A range of guest speakers will share their own experiences of the successes and challenges of working at board level. Throughout the programme there will be opportunities to network and build relationships with those in similar roles around the UK.