Educational supervisor workshop and accreditation - 3 & 4 April 2025 - ONLINE

Top Up Training For Educational Supervisors

Educational supervisors are responsible for the overall supervision and management of a trainee’s educational progress. This 2-day workshop addresses the seven areas of the Academy of Medical Educators’ Framework for the Professional Development of Postgraduate Medical Supervisors, and the General Medical Council (GMC) standards for the recognition and approval of trainers.

Workshop includes:

  • essential knowledge and skills for an educational supervisor
  • how to make best use of the curriculum and eportfolio to support your trainees
  • objective setting - helping your trainees to set clear goals
  • the effective appraisal process
  • giving effective feedback to trainees
  • supporting underperforming trainees
  • role of the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) and supervisor’s report.

"It has been a pleasure to attend such a well organised and well delivered event which help me learn new skills and update my existing ones."

Wahid Chughtai

Workshop attendee

RCP educational supervisor accreditation

Included in the price of this course is the option to complete the RCP educational supervisor accreditation. Comprising a 1000-1500 word assignment which, once completed, will give you formal recognition as an RCP accredited educational supervisor.

Further details of the assignment will be provided during the workshop.

"Very useful course and provided insight into aspects of supervision that I hadn’t previously thought about."

Dr Khowla Hashaishi

Consultant haematologist

Who should attend?

Educational supervisors from any specialty or doctors who will become educational supervisors in the near future:

  • all specialties
  • SAS
  • consultants and final-year trainees.

This course is suitable for doctors who are supervising trainees of any grade and specialty, or for those who are soon to become educational supervisors.

Important information prior to an Online workshop

Online events include small group discussions and interactive activities. Delegates will get the maximum benefit by being able to fully participate. This means:

  1. When making your booking we recommend you use an email associated with a Microsoft account. We require delegates to be logged into a Microsoft account to be able to fully participate in small group discussions and interactive activities. You will also need to be logged in to Microsoft for the RCP systems to recognise you and be able to issue you with a Certificate of Attendance.
  2. Some organisations’ security settings make it difficult to fully participate. If you have previously experienced issues accessing slides, video, audio, or breakout rooms whilst in Teams, please speak to your IT department prior to the event to troubleshoot. You can also contact the RCP to test-run the connections prior to the event. Most NHS accounts are linked to a Microsoft account and generally do not experience issues using Teams. Often home/personal emails are not linked to Microsoft and may not allow full participation.
  3. You will have the best experience joining the event using a desktop or laptop. Mobile phones and tablets typically do not allow full participation. For best results ensure your device is up-to date with any required software updates.
  4. You will need a microphone and a camera to fully participate.

Contact us


Tel: +44 (0)20 3075 1563


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3-4 April 2025


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CPD credits

10 credits


Microsoft Teams

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3 April 2025

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