Workshop includes:
- essential knowledge and skills for an educational supervisor
- how to make best use of the curriculum and eportfolio to support your trainees
- objective setting — helping your trainees to set clear goals
- the effective appraisal process
- giving effective feedback to trainees
- supporting underperforming trainees
- role of the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) and supervisor’s report.
Day 1 objectives:
- identify the roles, skills and qualities of an effective educational supervisor
- recognise the role of the curriculum and e-portfolio in trainee development
- describe an effective feedback model
- consider how to help trainees set and work towards clear objectives
- use evidence to challenge and help to close a gap in trainee performance
Day 2 objectives
- apply an effective feedback model
- recognise early warning signs of a trainee that requires additional support
- identify what early steps to take and whom to contact about concerns
- describe the roles and responsibilities of relevant supporting bodies
- understand differential attainment and what supervisors can do to protect trainees
- identify the role of the ARCP and supervisor’s report in trainee development.
- summarise the requirements for the educational supervisor accreditation assignment