Improving the interface between primary and secondary care

This is a Medical Care - driving change webinar. We’ll explore how information sharing can reduce adverse events and improve quality of care.
Annually, over 30,000 patients suffer avoidable harm from medication errors at transitions between primary and secondary care. Information critical to the safety and quality of care is held on both sides of this interface, but not necessarily shared effectively.
We’ll present case studies of shared digital medication records, primary and secondary care MDT meetings, and overseeing interface working groups. Our discussion will be framed by the methodological support of a systems approach, which can enhance the development and continuous improvement of new interventions.
Dr Anneka He
Anneka is an academic GP, currently undertaking a NIHR In-Practice Fellowship. Her research is based at THIS Institute and her main research area is on how to improve communication between GPs and hospital specialists at the point of referrals. Anneka will carry out a systematic review and an evaluation of a local health improvement project using qualitative research methods.
Dr Nick Boddy
Nick is an academic GP and NIHR In-Practice Fellow at the University of Nottingham. His research focuses on the safety and quality of care at hospital discharge, particularly in relation to communication and prescribing. He is currently conducting a qualitative study exploring how to improve discharge communication to support GPs as expert generalists.
Prof Tony Avery
Professor Tony Avery, OBE, is National Clinical Director for Prescribing for NHS England. He is also a GP in Nottingham and Professor of Primary Health Care at the University of Nottingham. He is passionate about ensuring the safe, effective and appropriate use of medicines and has worked in partnership with healthcare professionals and patients over 30 years to drive forward research and policy development in prescribing and patient safety.
Dr Alun Harcombe
Deputy Medical Director and Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust Alun is a passionate and skilled medical leader. Privileged to have previously been a Divisional Director for Medicine at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (NUH), he developed multiple new approaches, brought in significant external funding and delivered on a broad range of large scale projects. Calm, determined, balanced and loyal.
29 May 2024