Tackling corridor care

Overcrowding in hospitals is forcing healthcare professionals to provide care in corridors, waiting rooms, and other unsuitable spaces, compromising patient safety, dignity, and clinical effectiveness. A recent Royal College of Physicians (RCP) survey found that 78% of doctors had delivered care in temporary environments in the past month. With 90% reporting compromised patient privacy, 81% facing physical difficulties, and 75% lacking access to vital equipment.
Join the RCP, Royal College of Nursing (RCN), Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM), and Healthwatch for a vital discussion on the impact of corridor care and how to address it. Experts will share real-world experiences, discuss the systemic causes of corridor care, and explore practical solutions to improve patient safety and hospital capacity.
This webinar will explore the findings of the survey, share real-world experiences from healthcare professionals, and discuss practical solutions to improve patient safety and hospital capacity. Attendees will have the opportunity to put their questions directly to senior royal college representatives, making this a key opportunity to contribute to the conversation on change.
Wednesday 2 April 2025: 5:30pm - 6:30pm.
John is clinical vice president (CVP) at the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) and a consultant physician at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust. He is a member of the RCP senior leadership team, with specific responsibility for the college’s strategic aim of improving health and care. In East Lancashire, he works across the health and care system, leading service improvement. He also works as a consultant physician in acute and general medicine and diabetes. He has previously worked in improvement initiatives across the Department of Health, royal colleges, NHS North West, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and the Health Foundation. John was also previously medical director of NHS Bolton, clinical director of medical and elderly service for Bolton Hospitals, and clinical lead for diabetes services in Bolton.
Ian is consultant in emergency medicine and president elect of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine. He trained as a GP before Emergency Medicine, then as an Emergency Physician and Paediatric Emergency Medicine specialist. He has expertise in medical education medical leadership. He has a particular interest in health policy, Emergency Department overcrowding, quality in Emergency Medicine, workforce, and sustainable working. Ian works as a voluntary doctor with BASICS Devon.
Gail is an independent healthcare consultant working primarily in hospitals within the NHS. She specialises in transforming services for patients though working with clinical teams and encouraging change through exploring the patient experience. Committed to ensuring that the public and patients are at the heart of care planning and delivery, she considers the impact of systems and process on patient outcomes as a particularly important part of her work. Gail currently chairs the City of London Healthwatch.
Lynn joined the RCN as the UK Deputy Chief Nurse in September 2023. She provides strategic leadership, management and coordination for Nursing with a focus on workforce, practice and regulation across all fields of Nursing and across all four countries of the UK. Lynn was previously Deputy Chief Nursing Officer within the Department of Health Northern Ireland, Assistant Director of Nursing and Midwifery for Workforce and Education with responsibility for the workforce across acute and primary care, as well as all fields of practice including adult, childrens, mental health and learning disability services, and Transformational Lead and Assistant Director for an acute mental health and learning disabilities hospital.
2 April 2025