Update in medicine conferences

RCP Update in medicine conferences are designed to provide high-quality education for those with an interest in medicine. These face-to-face conferences will allow you to stay abreast of clinical advancements in medicine, develop your professional skills and network with peers.

The programmes for these one-day events are developed by regional advisers across RCP regions and nations and will include a diverse range of speakers and specialties.

Each conference will also include an update from one of the RCP senior officers.

We hope the in-person nature of this series will allow you the opportunity to network with colleagues, peers and RCP representatives within your region.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Conference Delegates Having Lunch

"Wonderful to see people again, and be there in person for the talks."

Update in medicine - Newcastle 2022 delegate

Upcoming dates

Browse the events below to find a conference near you.


The Turner-Warwick lecturer scheme re-opens in spring 2025!

Our Update in medicine conferences offer a platform for the Turner-Warwick lecturers to share their work and achievements. 

Resident doctors - could you be the next Turner-Warwick lecturer? 

Find out more about the scheme
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