Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme (FFFAP)

FFFAP is a national clinical audit run by the Royal College of Physicians designed to audit the care that patients with fragility fractures and inpatient falls receive in hospital and to facilitate improvement initiatives.

FFFAP is also supported by a group of patient and carer volunteers, the Patient and Carer Panel.

The aim of the panel aim is to put patients at the centre of quality improvement. 

Following an invitation to tender from HQIP, the Royal College of Physicians is awarded a new contract to continue delivering the Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme (FFFAP).

The new contract commenced on 1 July 2023 and the FFFAP team is taking the opportunity to review our organisation and governance structures to ensure these remain fit for purpose.

FFFAP’s vision for the new contract is to increase emphasis on delivery of online improvement resources and a healthcare improvement plan which can clearly measure impact. Our aims are:

  • To improve the quality of care, services and clinical outcomes for people following a fragility fracture or an inpatient fall.
  • To deliver dynamic and responsive support to clinical and service leaders by appropriate design, focus and dissemination of audit results.
  • To incorporate the perspectives and experience of patients and the public.
  • To support local and national service improvement in the quality of care and patient experience.

Thank you for all the time and commitment you have given to FFFAP as data inputters, lead clinicians and audit facilitators. We are looking forward to continuing our work with you to achieve some lasting improvements in falls and fragility fracture care.


The programme has been commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) as part of the National Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes Programme (NCAPOP) and currently covers England, Wales and Northern Ireland only. 

The audit programme is led by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), working closely with a broad range of organisations including: 

Alongside the advisory groups and board the programme receives guidance from:

The Patient and Carer Panel - a group of 10 patient and carer volunteers who support the Falls and Fragility Fractures Audit Programme (FFFAP).

What we have produced

Read the latest reports and resources from FFFAP.



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Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme

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