COPD secondary care workstream

NRAP’s COPD secondary care workstream includes a continuous clinical audit of people admitted to hospital with flare-ups of COPD, and a snapshot audit of the organisation and resourcing of care.

COPD - continuous clinical audit 

The COPD continuous clinical audit collects information on all people admitted to hospital in England and Wales with flare-ups of COPD.

COPD and adult asthma - organisational audit 

Snapshot organisational audits collect information on how services are organised and what resources are available to them at a given point in time.

How to participate 

All hospitals in England and Wales that provide COPD care can participate in the audit by entering admission data from patient care case notes into a secure and bespoke audit web tool. Clinical and non-clinical staff can take part in data submission. Participation is a requisite of trust quality accounts in England.

Download our registration form from the service team support page.

Contact us at for further support.

Please note NRAP do not have information governance permission to view or receive patient identifiable data (including, but not limited to date of birth, NHS number and patient address).

Please do not send NRAP any patient identifiable information. We will still assist with your query to the best of our ability. 

If you require support in resolving specific import error queries, we advise that you contact the webtool provider Crown directly via Please do not send any data by email to Crown.