Historic reports

NRAP succeeds a number of historic projects, audits and confidential enquiries: 

  • National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme - national audit programme delivering audits in primary, secondary and pulmonary rehabilitation services. ( March 2018 – May 2023)
  • Asthma Audit Development Project (AADP) – project to inform the specification of, and conduct the foundation work required for, a national asthma audit. (2017 – 2018)
  • National COPD Audit Programme – first national COPD audit programme, commissioned to deliver audits in primary, secondary and pulmonary rehabilitation services. (2013 – 2018)
  • National Review of Asthma Deaths (NRAD) – confidential enquiry which looked into the circumstances surrounding deaths from asthma from 1 February 2012 – 30 January 2013.

COPD: Working together clinical audit 2017 

COPD: Who cares when it matters most? Outcomes report 2014 

COPD: PREMs development work & feasibility report 

COPD Who cares matters Clinical Audit 2014 

COPD Who cares Organisational Audit 2014 

National COPD Audit 2008 

National COPD Audit 2003 

National COPD Audit 2001 

Why asthma still kills

Why asthma still kills report launch presentations

Primary care audit (Wales) 2015-17: Planning for every breath 

Primary care: COPD in England finding the measure of success 

Primary care: Time to take a breath 

Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Steps to breathe better 

Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Time to breathe better