Patient involvement and support

We want to make sure that people living with respiratory conditions receive the best possible care and have the best possible health. We work closely with patients to make sure our audit programme focuses on improvement targets in the areas most important to people living with respiratory conditions.

Our work with patients

NRAP have established a number of vibrant patient panels and advisory groups, working with Asthma + Lung UK and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH). Asthma + Lung UK represent adults with COPD and/or asthma who may also be carers. The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) represent children and young people with asthma, as well as parents and carers. These patient panels meet regularly online to share their priorities for respiratory care and discuss how they think NRAP can best educate and empower both patients with respiratory disease and those responsible for the care that they receive.

Support and resources for patients

NRAP work with patients to co-create resources to help people living with respiratory conditions understand our improvement work and know how to access the best possible care.

You can refer to our jargon buster to help you understand some of the medical and audit terms used on our website and in our reports.

Adult asthma

Audit information for patients

Children and young people asthma

Audit information for patients  

What to expect when you go to hospital 


Audit information for patients 

Pulmonary rehabilitation

Audit information for patients  

Patients assessed for PR up to 31 March 2024

All PR services that are part of the NHS and care for people with respiratory conditions in England and Wales collect personal (confidential) information, and information about the care you receive. They will only collect this information if you agree that it can be included in the audit - this is called giving consent.

Patients assessed for PR from 1 April 2024

The audit has gained special legal permission to collect confidential information without patient consent, unless a patient has set a national data opt-out preference:

Useful links

  • Asthma + Lung UK Patient Passport - The COPD patient passport can help you to find out whether you're receiving the care you're entitled to, and what to do if not.
  • Respiratory Futures - Information and advice for people living with lung conditions, including multi-lingual information.
  • Healthy London Partnership - Resources to support children and young people with asthma, their parents and carers.