Primary care workstream

The primary care workstream involves the collection of audit data relating to asthma and COPD patient care and management from routinely collected data in computerised primary care records. 

Information on asthma (child, young people, and adult) and COPD patient care which is obtained from GP practice record systems in Wales is used. 

The Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) Welsh primary care information portal presents data extracted from general practices in Wales for each audit period to facilitate quality improvement and shared learning. General practices in Wales, who opted to participate in one or all of the National COPD and NACAP Audit Programme Wales primary care audits, can view their own practice level data and benchmark themselves against cluster, local health board and national data. The portal is available here (please note, a log in is required).

Please note NRAP do not have information governance permission to view or receive patient identifiable data (including, but not limited to date of birth, NHS number and patient address). 

Please do not send NRAP any patient identifiable information. We will still assist with your query to the best of our ability. 

Crown Informatics do have this permission in place, therefore for support in resolving import error messages, we have been advised that you contact the webtool provider Crown directly (