



08 September 2023

NAIF resource repository

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With over 1,300 people experiencing a fall related femoral fracture while in hospital across England and Wales in 2021, the National Audit of Inpatient Falls has put together a resource that can help patients, their carers and named contacts in understanding potential next steps and how to access further help.

The patient and carer panel, who advise the Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme (FFFAP), chose the three most important findings of the most recent report to help you understand what your hospital should be doing to prevent falls and how to respond to a fall if it does happen.

This resource is aimed at Healthcare Champions who are looking to influence and improve the care and management of patients who have fallen in an inpatient setting.

A resource designed to help prevent serious injury and unnecessary cost to the NHS caused by older people tripping or falling when they are in hospital.

Created for clinicians, 'Supporting best and safe practice in post-fall management in inpatient settings' clarifies what constitutes a post-fall check for injury. By providing guidance on how to implement best practice in post-fall management processes, training and competencies.

An interactive e-learning tool designed for foundation level doctors, but appropriate for all healthcare professionals which covers the knowledge needed to identify and reduce patient and environmental risk factors to assist with reducing inpatient falls.

A resource designed to assist clinical teams in standardising their approach to falls prevention in hospitals. It is evidence-based and seeks to address variability in recording lying and standing blood pressure. 

A new vision assessment tool which enables ward staff to quickly assess a patient’s eyesight in order to help prevent them falling or tripping while in hospital.

KPI improvement case studies and template.

The Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) is a new approach to learning from safety events in healthcare. 


Join NAIF clinical lead, Dr Julie Whitney and NAIF clinical fellow, Joanna Miles for a session focusing on changing the philosophy of falls prevention. Joanna presents information about the 'Keep me moving' QI project, already being utilised in her trust. The webinar ended with a Q&A session.

The team are joined by NAIF Clinical Lead, Dr Julie Whitney and Dr Sarah Howie as they discuss methods of detection and interventions.

Watch the discussion on the effective implementation of multifactorial risk assessment with our guest speakers from the University of Bradford. Listen to our lively Q&A session with our clinical lead, Julie Whitney, and guest speakers.