



01 September 2021

NHFD annual report 2021

NHFD Annual Report 2021

2020 was a challenging year across trauma services however performance on most of our KPIs remained stables, or experienced only transient dips which is a testament to the resilience of hip fracture services during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Policy-makers and front line teams should use this report alongside the live data presented on the NHFD website to reflect on their service and identify areas where improvements can be made.

In response to the pandemic the NHFD asked participating hospitals to record their patients’ COVID-19 status from May 2020. As a result this report is also able to presents data about the effect of COVID-19 on trauma units around the country and on outcome for patients with hip fracture who have COVID-19 when admitted to hospital or develop it after their operation.

Key recommendations

  • NHS leaders should use the NHFD data on COVID-19 to understand the course of the pandemic and its impact on frail older people in their unit
  • Local hip fracture teams should review the NHFD KPIs for their unit and target KPIs highlighted as significantly below average for local QI work
  • NHFD clinical leads should examine the data quality casemix run charts to ensure the data they provide are complete and of high quality
  • NHFD clinical leads should review their mortality run charts when they are released each quarter; if either mortality line approaches the 95% control line this should trigger a review of the local picture provided by the NHFD website, perhaps complemented by a case note review.