Lady Estelle Wolfson lecture in translational medicine

Founded by a bequest from Lady Estelle Wolfson to endow an annual lecture on translational medicine, this talk makes up part of our endowed lectures series.

The lectureship

The appointment of the lecture is by application, and applications should present an outstanding, recent contribution in translational research/medicine with demonstrable benefit to patients. This contribution can be in any branch of medicine.

The appointed lecturer will receive an honorarium of £200.


Any member or fellow of the RCP may apply. Only personal applications (not nominations) will be accepted.

How to apply

To apply, please complete the application form and submit with a copy of your CV and a list of academic publications in PDF format to: by 11:59pm, Sunday, 9 March 2025.

For any related queries contact or call: 020 3075 1785. 

Lady Estelle Wolfson Lecture Application Form 2025

2024: Dr Coziana Ciurtin: Novel biomarkers for cardiovascular risk stratification in children and young people with juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE)
2022: Dr Nimzing Ladep: Journey towards urinary dipstick for diagnosis of liver cancer – a success story of RCP bursaries
2021: Dr Axel Petzold: Neurofilaments 2019 Professor Srinivasan Madhusudan: Targeting DNA repair for personalization of breast cancer therapy
2018: Professor Marta Korbonits: Legends, genetics and molecular biology (awarded but not delivered)
2017: Professor Gaetano Thiene: Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy and sudden cardiac death in the young – a paradigm of translational medicine
2016: Dr Helen Firth: Matchmaking in Medicine – using genomic data for discovery and diagnosis.