

19 March 2024

RCP registrar steps down after 3 years in post

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In her letter to fellows and members, she said:

‘During 2023, I began the process of expanding my professional skills to become a qualified coach. As a doctor working in the NHS for the past 34 years, I have observed the need for this skill set and have observed how impactful an effective coach can be for people’s lives and life choices.

‘As a result, I made the difficult decision to stand down as RCP registrar to pursue a new portfolio career path after three productive and fulfilling years at the college. I will be stepping down in May this year, as planned.

‘During my tenure, I have been particularly proud of my involvement in a series of transformative initiatives supporting membership growth, governance and constitutional review. I will greatly miss the positive working relationships that I have built with national colleagues and RCP staff. I have learnt much from your collective expertise and experiences, and it has been an honour and privilege to serve as the first female registrar of the RCP.’

Responding to the news, Dr Sarah Clarke, RCP president, said:

‘Cathryn stepped into the role of registrar at the RCP in 2021 at a very difficult time for everyone at the college, bringing strong leadership to the role of registrar. She has developed close working relationships with colleagues and staff and has strived to improve the professional governance of the RCP, as well as lead and support the membership. She has championed the embedding of the new fellowship process and has led the constitutional review initiated by RCP Council in July of last year.

‘After 3 years in the role of registrar, Cathryn leaves to diversify her portfolio career. Today’s announcement allows me to thank her publicly for her service to the college. 

‘We wish her well for the future.’