Press office

Our press office helps journalists interested in the RCP's work aimed at improving patient care and reducing illness.

The RCP is patient centred and clinically led, driving improvement in the diagnosis of disease, the care of individual patients and the health of the whole population, both in the UK and around the world.

Its 40,000 members work in hospitals and the community across 30 different medical specialties and range from medical students to retired doctors. The RCP is the oldest medical college in England.

Contact the press office

Contact our press office at

For specific media enquiries, please contact:

Hannah Perlin, Senior media manager

Tel: +44 (0)20 3075 1418

Nicholas Wesson, Senior media manager

Tel: +44 (0)20 3075 1466

Out of hours

The Royal College of Physician offices are open 9am–5pm, Monday–Friday. At other times, and for urgent media enquiries only, please call +44 (0)7896 416409. This number will only normally be answered at weekends and outside of the normal working day.

Press releases

Hospital Corridor

Royal College of Physicians responds to Health Foundation's analysis of the 18-week elective target

The Health Foundation has published new analysis assessing how achievable the government’s 18-week elective target is.

Doctors in hospital

RCP responds to Royal College of Nursing report on corridor care

The Royal College of Physicians has responded to the Royal College of Nursing’s report On the frontline of the UK’s corridor care crisis which looks at the issue of patients being treated in temporary escalation spaces such as corridors.

RCP Shield

Royal College of Physicians endorses Lancet definition and diagnostic criteria for obesity

The RCP has endorsed a new publication by The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology Commission on Clinical Obesity, setting out a clinically-meaningful definition of disease in obesity as well as a definition of the objective criteria for its diagnosis.


RCP responds to Nuffield Trust report on NHS workforce

The RCP has welcomed the Nuffield Trust’s report, In the balance: Lessons for changing the mix of professions in NHS services, which looks at the history of how distinct and different roles - including physician associates, nursing associates and advanced nurse practitioners - have been brought into the NHS.

Hospital Corridor (1)

‘Unsafe and undignified’: RCP describes ‘chaos’ of corridor care and calls for action to alleviate pressure on the hospital front door

Responding to the latest NHSE performance data showing the busiest December on record for emergency department attendances, the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has called for the publication of data on temporary care environments as well as parity in status, staffing and funding for social care.


RCP responds to UCL research showing a single cigarette can take 20 minutes off life expectancy

Researchers at University College London have found that on average a single cigarette reduces life expectancy about about 20 minutes, meaning if a smoker of 10 cigarettes a day quits for a week they could add a day to their life expectancy.

Hospital Corridor (1)

RCP publishes new interim guidance for physician associates working in the medical specialties

The RCP has published new interim guidance on the scope, supervision and employment of physician associates (PAs) working in the medical specialties (also known as the physician specialties).

Tackling Health Inequalities

RCP publishes new guidance to make tackling health inequalities a strategic NHS priority

The RCP has released a new guidance document aimed at empowering NHS leaders to make reducing health inequalities a central part of their strategy.

RCP Shield

Royal College of Physicians responds to CMO Annual Report 2024

The RCP has responded to the Chief Medical Officer’s (CMO's) Annual Report, Health in Cities.


Here you will find all of the latest RCP news. If you can't locate what you're looking for please contact one of our team, who will be happy to help.

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