Clinical Medicine

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Call for papers: special issue on maternal medicine

Submission deadline: 15 November 2024

Call for papers

Clinical Medicine (ClinMed) aims to directly improve readers’ clinical practice by publishing original research, guideline summaries and clinically focused reviews.

Aimed at practising physicians in the UK and overseas, the journal assists the RCP in supporting a wide range of specialties through a dedicated continuing medical education (CME) section which presents the latest advances in a chosen specialty, with self-assessment questions at the end of each topic enabling CPD accreditation to be acquired.

As specialists we are expert in discrete areas while continuing to see increasingly complex patients with multiple health conditions — ClinMed has a key role in helping to maintain general medical knowledge, while presenting service information to help learn from specialist colleagues in different disciplines. Case histories are presented with an emphasis on providing stimulation to optimise clinical method in terms of assessment and care.

The journal has editorial independence from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) and decisions regarding the commissioning, selection and dissemination of content are the responsibility of the editor, taking into account peer review and guidance from the editorial board.

In the latest issue

Our commitment to the developing world

Set up by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Hinari Access to Research for Health Programme and the Programme for the Enhancement of Research Information (PERI) provide free or low-cost online access to journals across Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East. Working with these organisations, Clinical Medicine is committed to supplying non-profit institutions in developing countries with access to vital material, at greatly reduced or no cost.

Read the latest issue
Clinmed September

Clinical Medicine openly invites submissions for consideration and peer review.

The editor is assisted by members of the editorial board along with expert referees in the evaluation of submissions and accepted papers are scheduled for publication at the discretion of the editorial office.

Please refer to our ClinMed Instructions for authors for:

  • Examples of the type of material we publish
  • Guidance on formatting your paper before you submit work.

If you have any queries please email the editorial office.

Submit your article
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