News & opinion



Aman Doll (002)

How unconscious bias affects health inequalities: guest blog post from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society

The Inequalities in Health Alliance is a coalition of more than 250 organisations, convened by the RCP, which campaigns for a cross-government strategy to reduce health inequalities. This blog post from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) is part of a series by member organisations.

Dr Aziz (1)

Let’s change the narrative on SAS doctors

Specialist, associate specialist and specialty (SAS) doctors are (along with locally employed doctors) the fastest-growing group in the medical workforce. As the RCP launches new educational and career support guidance for SAS doctors and employers, Dr Naeem Aziz, recently appointed RCP SAS lead, reflects on life in the NHS as an SAS doctor.

Educational And Career Support Guidance Cover

RCP publishes new educational and career guidance for specialist, associate specialist and specialty (SAS) doctors

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has published new educational and career guidance for specialist, associate specialist and specialty (SAS) doctors.

Health professionals working

The RCP celebrates Clinical Audit Awareness Week

It’s time to celebrate clinical audit awareness week! The RCP extends thanks to all service who contribute to our audits. Find out more about the importance of clinical auditing below.

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PRCP resignation arrangements confirmed

We have updated the 19 June statement following confirmation at yesterday’s Board of Trustees’ meeting of Dr Sarah Clarke’s resignation arrangements.

Dr Hilary Williams NEW

Dysgu gyda'n gilydd | mynd i'r afael ag ymddygiad gwael | fy addewid i chi

Y mis hwn mae Hilary Williams yn myfyrio ar yr angen i foderneiddio ein sefydliadau.

Dr Hilary Williams NEW

Learning together | tackling bad behaviour | my promise to you

This month Dr Hilary Williams reflects on the need to modernise our organisations.

Hospital Corridor

RCP responds to NHS England proposal for four-year undergraduate medical degrees in England

The RCP has called for an urgent meeting on plans to pilot a four-year medical degree.


King’s Birthday Honours for RCP fellows

This year’s King's Birthday Honours saw several RCP Fellows honoured for their contribution to healthcare in the UK and internationally.