The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has published its submission to the independent review of physician associate (PA) and anaesthesia associate professions (the Leng review).
Dr Diana Walford CBE has been appointed chair of the RCP's board of trustees.
Mis yma, ein blogiwr gwadd Dr Chris Subbe, meddyg ymgynghorol acíwt ym Mangor, sy’n trafod pwysigrwydd ‘gwrando gyda bwriad’ ac a oes angen Rheol Martha yng Nghymru.
This month, our guest blogger is Dr Chris Subbe, an acute consultant physician in Bangor, who discusses the importance of ‘listening with intent’ and whether we need a Martha’s Rule for Wales.
The Royal College of Physicians has responded to the announcement that NHS England will be abolished.
The ‘Focus on physicians’ survey, launched today, will provide critical insights into the current challenges facing consultant physicians and SAS doctors.
The Royal College of Physicians has responded to the UMAPs physician associates 'Base scope of practice' document.
The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has appointed consultant physician in acute medicine Dr Ben Chadwick as the deputy registrar.
The Royal College of Physicians has responded to the University of Oxford review on physician associates.
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