News & opinion




RCP responds to UCL research showing a single cigarette can take 20 minutes off life expectancy

Researchers at University College London have found that on average a single cigarette reduces life expectancy about about 20 minutes, meaning if a smoker of 10 cigarettes a day quits for a week they could add a day to their life expectancy.


Festive greetings from the RCP | Update in medicine – Cardiff

This month, vice president for Wales Hilary Williams blogs about recent RCP events in Cardiff, says hello and goodbye to our South Wales regional advisers, and highlights RCP work on recent policy developments in Wales and across the border.


Cyfarchion yr Ŵyl o Goleg Brenhinol y Meddygon: Y diweddaraf mewn Meddygaeth - Caerdydd

Y mis yma, mae Is-Lywydd Cymru, Hilary Williams, yn blogio am ddigwyddiadau diweddar Coleg Brenhinol y Meddygon yng Nghaerdydd, yn dweud helo a hwyl fawr wrth ein cynghorwyr rhanbarthol yn Ne Cymru, ac yn tynnu sylw at waith y Coleg ar ddatblygiadau polisi diweddar yng Nghymru a thros y ffin.

Tackling Health Inequalities

The right to health and health inequalities: time for change

The Inequalities in Health Alliance (IHA) is a coalition of more than 250 organisations, convened by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), which campaigns for a cross-government strategy to reduce health inequalities. This guest blog post from Just Fair is part of a series by IHA member organisations.

Hospital Corridor (1)

RCP publishes new interim guidance for physician associates working in the medical specialties

The RCP has published new interim guidance on the scope, supervision and employment of physician associates (PAs) working in the medical specialties (also known as the physician specialties).

RCP Shield

RCP to publish interim scope and supervision guidance for PAs working in the medical specialties later this week

The RCP oversight group for activity related to physician associates, or the RCP PA oversight group, has developed three interim sets of draft guidance that will apply to those PAs working in the medical specialties (also known as the physician specialties).

Hospital Corridor (1)

Royal College of Physicians welcomes Royal College of Emergency Medicine position statement on NHSE’s temporary escalation guidance

The RCP has responded to a position statement published by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM), regarding NHS England guidance on ‘Principles for providing safe and good quality care in temporary escalation spaces.’

Tackling Health Inequalities

RCP publishes new guidance to make tackling health inequalities a strategic NHS priority

The RCP has released a new guidance document aimed at empowering NHS leaders to make reducing health inequalities a central part of their strategy.

Hospital Corridor

RCP responds to December 2024 NHSE performance data

The Royal College of Physicians has responded to the latest NHSE performance data.