
What's it about?

The RCP is campaigning to make sure that the UK has a medical workforce that meets the needs of patients.

'We will campaign for an increase in the number of medical students and we will also make the case for publicly available data on the number of staff needed relative to patient demand. We will work with others to improve the experience of training and employment to improve retention and morale and to make the UK attractive and accessible to doctors and trainees from overseas. We will encourage more opportunities for participation in medicine and support work to tackle racism and other forms of discrimination in medicine. We will promote better multidisciplinary team working and a safe, reflective learning culture.'

Agreed at RCP Council, 2022

Workforce is the biggest challenge facing the NHS

Our population is ageing, an increasing number of people live with multiple health conditions and health inequality is growing. As a result, the NHS is treating more patients than ever before. But the supply of doctors, nurses and other clinicians has not kept up with rising patient demand.

The results of the RCP’s latest annual census found that 59% of UK consultant physicians reported having at least one vacant consultant post in their department and 62% reported daily or weekly trainee rota gaps when on acute duty over the past year. Too few staff means it takes longer for patients to get the right care. It also has an impact on existing staff – according to the 2023 RCP census, almost a fifth (18%) of consultant physicians said they almost never feel in control of their workload and 33% said they worked excessive hours. 

We need more doctors as part of a wider expansion of the health and care workforce and to retain more of the hardworking staff we already have. In the 2023 consultant physician census, 47% reported decreased enjoyment in their job over the last year. Retention must be a priority, including by creating more flexible and supportive working environments, with time off for significant life events, getting rotas in good time, improved IT equipment, access to affordable and flexible childcare and time for research and teaching. There are things we can do: our 2022 RCP view on the NHS workforce set out a range of short and medium-term solutions to make a difference now and according to the RCP 2023 census, improved IT systems, reduced clinical workload and an increased workforce are the top 3 things that would make the biggest difference to job satisfaction.

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What is the RCP doing?

Each year, we survey consultant physicians and higher specialty trainees in the UK to understand how they are working and the challenges they are facing. This informs our policy and campaigns work.

The RCP first made the call to double medical school places in 2018, and throughout 2021 and 2022 was instrumental in bringing together over 100 health and care organisations to campaign for independent staffing projections.

The RCP welcomed the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan (LTWP) as an important first step towards a sustainably staffed NHS. We particularly welcomed the announcement of an expansion of medical school places and postgraduate training places, as well as a commitment to workforce planning based on independently verified projections that will be refreshed every two years.

In June 2024, the RCP called on NHS England to review its projections for growth in the physician associate workforce in the LTWP until issues of regulation, standards and national scope of practice are addressed. The RCP continues to make the case that we need to see the detail on the plan’s proposals and implementation and that NHSE must engage more effectively with clinicians and colleges on delivery of the LTWP - that will be vital to maintaining the confidence of the profession in the direction of travel. 

Medical Workforce Unit

The Medical Workforce Unit (MWU) conducts the annual census of consultant physicians and higher specialty trainees in the UK, which provides essential information for all our workforce planning and surrounding strategy.

Find out more
Hospital Staff Working

Key outputs

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RCP Manifesto for medicine – a healthier nation with access to excellent care

Ahead of the 2024 general election, the Royal College of Physicians has published a manifesto setting out five priority areas where the next UK government must take action.

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Chief Registrar Programme: recruitment guidance for NHS organisations

This page provides information for NHS organisations interested in recruiting chief registrars.

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Census data toolkits

Please scroll to the bottom of the page to download the census data toolkits. The three Royal Colleges of Physicians have conducted a census of consultant physicians for many decades. It provides us with rich data that help us understand the make-up and state of the medical workforce.

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The shape of medicine: the future of the workforce, education and training

On the 10th anniversaries of the publication of the Shape of Training review (SoT) and the RCP’s Future Hospital Commission report, the RCP is fostering a discussion that will inform the development of our strategy beyond 2024.

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RCP briefing for Westminster Hall debate on NHS staffing levels

The RCP has issued a briefing ahead of a Westminster Hall debate on NHS staffing levels tabled by Margaret Greenwood MP.

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2020 and 2021 survey of medical certificate of completion of training (CCT) holders’ career progression

This short report summarises the results of our twelfth and thirteenth surveys on the experiences of and outcomes for certificate of completion of training (CCT) holders within a year of gaining their CCT. Physicians in 30 medical specialties in the UK who gained their CCT during 2019 and 2020 were asked about their current working situation, experience of training and transition to a consultant role.