Policy and campaigns in Wales

Through our work with patients and doctors, the RCP is working to achieve real change across the health and social care sector in Wales.

We represent 40,000 physicians and clinicians worldwide – educating, improving and influencing for better health and care. Over 1,600 members in Wales work in hospitals and the community across 30 different clinical specialties, diagnosing and treating millions of patients with a huge range of medical conditions. We campaign for improvements to healthcare, medical education and public health.

Latest news

Read some of our latest news and policy documents focussing on Wales.


Festive greetings from the RCP | Update in medicine – Cardiff

This month, vice president for Wales Hilary Williams blogs about recent RCP events in Cardiff, says hello and goodbye to our South Wales regional advisers, and highlights RCP work on recent policy developments in Wales and across the border.


Cyfarchion yr Ŵyl o Goleg Brenhinol y Meddygon: Y diweddaraf mewn Meddygaeth - Caerdydd

Y mis yma, mae Is-Lywydd Cymru, Hilary Williams, yn blogio am ddigwyddiadau diweddar Coleg Brenhinol y Meddygon yng Nghaerdydd, yn dweud helo a hwyl fawr wrth ein cynghorwyr rhanbarthol yn Ne Cymru, ac yn tynnu sylw at waith y Coleg ar ddatblygiadau polisi diweddar yng Nghymru a thros y ffin.

Patient And Visitor

Royal College of Physicians responds to the Welsh Women’s Health Plan

‘Deeds not words – we need a plan that holds the Welsh government to account,’ says RCP vice president for Wales.

Doctors in hospital

RCP responds to ‘A healthier Wales’ refreshed actions

‘We need tangible actions – not just vague promises,’ says RCP vice president for Wales.


Staff retention | North Wales Medical School opens its doors

In this month’s blog, Dr Hilary Williams, RCP vice president for Wales discusses the opening of the new medical school in North Wales and how the NHS can become an attractive place to work for newly qualified doctors.

Doctors in hospital

New beginnings | developing senior decision-making expertise | regional adviser vacancy

In this month’s blog, Dr Hilary Williams, RCP vice president for Wales considers the qualities and skills unique to the senior decision maker in the healthcare team.