The RCP has submitted written evidence to the first phase of the health and social care select committee inquiry on prevention.
In February 2023 the Committee put out a ‘call for proposals’ to determine the workstreamareas of focus for their its inquiry on prevention.
The RCP submitted evidence calling for the inquiry to look at health inequalities and the social determinants of ill health including poor housing, air quality and the marketing of food and alcohol or the availability of tobacco, to employment (including how much money you have), racism and discrimination and transport. Our response also covered air quality, obesity and smoking and made the case that preventative healthcare should have a firm focus on modifiable risk factors. Submissions were capped by the Committee at 750 words.
The committee has today published the 10 workstreams it will be exploring during its inquiry. The full list of topics that the Committee will be considering in the inquiry are: healthy places; vaccination; health inequalities; mental health and wellbeing; healthy eating and obesity; smoking, drugs, alcohol, and gambling; sexual health; early years and childhood; cancer prevention; other major conditions.
The RCP will engage with the second phase of the inquiry.