



FFFAP Strategy: Improving quality in Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme (FFFAP) services

The Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme (FFFAP) is a national clinical audit run by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP). It is committed to improving patient outcomes and the efficiency of care that patients with fragility fractures and inpatient falls receive in acute and primary care settings, and to facilitating QI initiatives.

Patient Involvement Letter

Fracture Liaison Service Patient Engagement Letter

All Fracture Liaison Services should aim to have patients involved in the development and improvement of their FLS. With their lived experience, patients and caregivers can provide guidance to FLSs to improve outcomes and better care to patients.

Resource Fallback Image

Diagnosis and management of osteoporosis

The Diagnosis and management of osteoporosis e-learning module was developed for GPs, but are relevant for all healthcare professionals interested in of the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis.

Thumbnails (1)

Procedure for measuring lying and standing blood pressure (BP)

The objective of this work was to create standardised, pragmatic advice on how to measure lying and standing BP in hospital wards. The purpose is to improve the adherence to this component of the NICE guidelines for fall prevention for hospital inpatients. Measuring lying and standing BP is part of the multi-factorial assessment to optimise safe activity (MASA).


FFFAP data processing statements

Data processing statements for the three workstreams within the RCP's Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme (FFFAP).

Work With FFFAP (4)

Applying to work with Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme data

The Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme (FFFAP) has data available for healthcare professionals and academic institutions to access for research and analysis purposes.

FLS DB 2025 Annual Report (1)

FLS-DB annual report 2025

This is the eighth annual report for the Fracture Liaison Service Database (FLS-DB). You’ve had a fracture; how can we prevent another? provides national benchmark performance for the care of people with fragility fractures in 2023.

Bridging The Gap Report Cover Image

Bridging the gap: a guide to making health inequalities a strategic priority for NHS leaders

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has published a guidance document for physicians focused on building understanding of health inequalities and the actions they can take to make this is a bigger priority in their workplace.

Hospital Staff Working

NAIF Transparency Data

In his transparency and open data letter to cabinet ministers on 7 July 2011, then prime minister, David Cameron, made a commitment to make clinical audit data available from the national audits within the National Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes Programme (NCAPOP). This data was released in an open and standardised format for the first time in December 2011, and provided annually from then onwards.