Policy documents



A Snapshot Of UK Doctors Delivering Care In A Temporary Environment

A snapshot of UK doctors: Delivering care in a temporary environment

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has published survey findings about doctors’ experiences of delivering care in temporary environments, such as corridors or waiting rooms.

Doctor And Patient Holding Hands

RCP principles for an effective, integrated public health system

The RCP has set out new principles for a well-functioning and integrated public health system, developed in collaboration with a number of health and public health organisations and health thinktanks.


Left in the lurch: Royal College of Physicians describes resident doctor recruitment crisis in new statement

As part of our NextGenPhysicians campaign, the RCP has issued an urgent call for the government and the NHS across all four UK nations to address growing competition for doctor training posts by commissioning a four-nation review of postgraduate medical training that considers how doctors will want to learn and work in the future.

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Measurement, management and elimination of temporary care environments for patients admitted to hospital

A new statement from the RCP sets out guidance for staff and systems who have no choice but to deliver care in temporary care environments.

Hospital Corridor (1)

Interim guidance for physician associates working in the medical specialties

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has published new interim guidance on the scope, supervision and employment of physician associates (PAs) working in the medical specialties (also known as the physician specialties). 

Hospital Corridor (1)

RCP briefing for a short debate on the review of physician associate and anaesthetist associate roles

The RCP has issued a briefing to peers ahead of the short debate on Thursday 5 December on the review of physician associate and anaesthetist associate roles and government plans in advance of the outcome.

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RCP response to the government’s 10-Year Health Plan consultation

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has responded to the government’s consultation on the 10-Year Health Plan.

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An open letter to the NHS for #SASWeek24

Dr Naeem Aziz, RCP SAS lead, has written an open letter to NHS organisations across the UK, calling on employers to value and support SAS doctors by offering specialty doctors the opportunity to become specialists.


RCP, BGS and RCPE call on Lord Darzi to ensure effective care for older people

The Royal College of Physicians, British Geriatrics Society and Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh have written to Lord Darzi as he undertakes his review of health and social care for the new government.