



14 August 2017

FLS-DB audit webtool guidance

Web Tool Guidance Image

FLS-DB data entry

In this video you will find instructions on how to:

  • log on to the webtool
  • create new users for the FLS-DB
  • enter patient data.
Crown Informatics systems manager Jonathan Roberts discusses how to use the FLS-DB data entry tool

Advanced features

In this presentation you will learn how to:

  • use the delete patient functionality and remove duplicate patient records
  • follow up views to remind you of records that are due for follow up
  • download material, including:
    • profomas
    • upload information
    • organisational audit protocol
    • FAQs
    • user guide.
Jonathan Roberts discusses the new and advanced features of the FLS-DB

How to use public run charts

In this short video Dr Kassim Javaid, the clinical lead for the FLS-DB, explains how to use the public run charts to their full potential.

The video shows:

  • the charts available
  • how to focus in on a specific timeframe or line of data
  • where to get further information about each chart
  • where the data is derived from
  • how the data has been calculated.
Kassim Javaid, FLS-DB clinical lead, explains how to use public run charts

How to use internal run charts and export your data

In this short video Dr Kassim Javaid, the clinical lead for the Fracture Liaison Service Database (FLS-DB), explains how audit participants can make the most of their data.

The video takes you through how to:

  • login
  • find and export your data
  • allow teams to download the charts as an image to use in presentations, such as team meetings to discuss their services performance
  • identifying where improvements can be made
  • seek further support with the evidence to support teams.
Kassim Javaid explains how to use internal run charts and export your data


If these guidance videos and documents do not answer your queries, please contact the FLS-DB team: