Vacancies for specialist, associate specialist and specialty (SAS) regional representatives

The RCP is looking for enthusiastic SAS doctors to fill positions on the RCP Specialist, Associate Specialist and Specialty Regional Representative Network.

Current vacancies

We are currently recruiting for SAS representatives in the following regions:

  • East Midlands North
  • East Midlands South
  • Eastern
  • London Central and North East
  • London North West
  • North Western
  • Oxford Thames Valley
  • Peninsula
  • Severn
  • Wessex
  • Yorkshire

The role

The SAS Regional Representative Network has been created to ensure that SAS doctors’ needs, views and interests are represented within the regional teams and to increase their active involvement with the RCP.

There will be one SAS representative in each of the 18 RCP regions.


Applications will be considered from SAS doctors who are subscribing RCP members and fellows and in good standing.

If you are not a member, find out how to join the RCP.


SAS regional representatives will initially serve for a 3-year term. The SAS representative must stand down once they cease to be an SAS doctor or a subscribing member of RCP London.  

Closest managerial relationship  

1.    RCP regional manager 
2.    SAS lead


The SAS representative will be required to:

  • report to the lead SAS doctor, and through them to the registrar of the RCP, on issues that affect SAS doctors such as development, recognition, autonomy, implementation of the SAS charter and the GMC regulations for CESR
  • maintain regular contact with SAS colleagues in their region so that views can be shared and reported, and with the RCP regional manager and RCP regional advisers
  • attend the relevant RCP regional meetings
  • contribute as appropriate to SAS doctors’ projects of interest to the RCP. These may include areas related to:
    • CPD activities for SAS doctors
    • SAS doctor job plans
    • SAS doctor appraisal and revalidation
    • SAS doctor survey.
  • improve SAS doctors' engagement with the RCP
  • play an active role in recruiting new RCP members.

Financial aspects

The SAS regional representative post is not remunerated. Reasonable expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with the RCP policy.

Read the full role description

How to apply

The SAS representative in each region will be appointed by open application.

Applications should be in the form of a current CV and a short written statement (maximum one page of A4) mentioning the region applied for and why the candidate will make a good representative.

Applications should be submitted by email to and will be assessed by the RCP Nominations Committee.

The Royal College of Physicians welcomes and actively seeks to recruit people to its activities regardless of race, religion, ethnic origin, disability, age, gender and sexual orientation.

Apply now