SAS doctor strategy 2022–24

Specialty and associate specialist (SAS) doctors form a significant part of the physician workforce but have historically been poorly represented in the RCP.

Published in February 2022, the SAS doctor strategy 2022–24 aims to address this and sets out how the RCP will ensure SAS doctors are treated equitably within the RCP; are offered tailored opportunities that recognise their unique contributions to healthcare settings; and are provided with a platform to develop fulfilling careers.

Download the strategy

The strategy is aligned with the RCP’s three main priorities:

  • educating physicians and supporting them to fulfil their potential
  • improving health and care and leading the prevention of ill health across communities
  • influencing the way that healthcare is designed and delivered.

The strategy recognises the different training paths that doctors working in the NHS choose to take, and the variety of skills and talent pool that this develops for the physician workforce. SAS doctors are currently working in hospitals across the country, and the strategy highlights the need to identify and support these doctors in their training, leadership and educational needs.

Read the strategy online
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