

06 February 2018

FLS-DB methodology


The audit's objective is to improve the quality of the clinical care delivered to patients who sustain fractures through effective measurement against standards, feedback to providers and quality improvement initiatives.

Audit design

The FLS-DB is a continuous audit and started collecting patient-level data in January 2016. We initiated the audit to measure primarily against NICE technology assessments and guidance on osteoporosis, and the Royal Osteoporosis Society clinical standards for FLSs. Documents mapping the datasets to evidence-based guidance are available on the FLS-DB resource page.

Exclusion and inclusion criteria

Patients should:

  • be aged 50 or over
  • have sustained a fragility fracture that was diagnosed by the NHS.

Data processing

This audit has been granted Section 251 approval by the NHS Health Research Authority (CAG reference: 15/CAG/0158), meaning that we are allowed to collect patient-identifiable data without patient consent.

All data that will be collected by the audit programme will be processed to ensure patient confidentiality is maintained.

Analysis plan for the FLS-DB annual report 

The FLS-DB team has produced a supporting document on the analysis methodology for the 2023 annual report which includes:

  • a list of the 11 key performance indicators (KPIs) used in the audit
  • the numerator and denominator for each KPI
  • data cleaning notes
  • real world data applications.

The methodology documents are available in the download section.