Honorary fellowship of the college is by direct nomination using the attached template form submitted alongside a short CV of no more than three pages for the nominated candidate.
How do I make an honorary fellowship nomination?
- Only fellows can make a nomination using the template and submitted to fellowshipqueries@rcp.ac.uk
- CVs of greater than three pages will not be accepted and candidates may fail to progress to submission.
- In any one annual cycle from 2023, no more than 10 honorary fellowships will be allocated.
- All proposals for honorary fellowships need to be received by 1 April to be considered by the July Fellowship Council at which honorary fellowships will be elected.
- Honorary fellowships will not be considered at any other point in the year.

Fellows nominating for honorary fellowship should be aware that their nominee should have made an outstanding contribution either to medical or general science or literature and/or should have given exceptional service in a non-medical capacity to the college, science or practice of medicine.
This is as documented in bye-law 8.2 (1) b and bye-law 8.6:
(Previously Bye-Law 39)
(1) The Council may nominate as Fellows of the College the following persons:
(b) Persons holding a medical qualification, but are not Members of the College, who have distinguished themselves in the practice of Medicine, or in the pursuit of Medical or General Science or Literature and who have been previously nominated by the Council as specially eligible. No more than ten such persons shall be elected Fellows in any one year, unless in exceptional circumstances.
(Previously Bye-Law 43)
(1) Honorary Fellowships of the College may be bestowed on persons of eminence, who do not necessarily hold a medical qualification, but have rendered exceptional services to the Science or Practice of Medicine.