This page provides a series of resources to support services who are participating in the audit of pulmonary rehabilitation, or who are eligible to participate and would like more information.
Please note NRAP do not have information governance permission to view or receive patient identifiable data (including, but not limited to date of birth, NHS number and patient address).
Please refrain from sending NRAP any patient identifiable information. We will still assist with your query to the best of our ability. Crown Informatics do have this permission in place. Therefore, for support in resolving import error messages, we have been advised that you contact the webtool provider Crown directly (
All services in England and Wales who deliver pulmonary rehabilitation to patients with the following respiratory conditions, are eligible to participate:
- Asthma
- Bronchiectasis
- Interstitial lung disease
- Long Covid
- Other chronic respiratory disease
- Pre/post thoracic surgery (including lung volume reduction)
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Chronic heart failure.
To register your hospital, please complete and send the registration and Caldicott Guardian approval forms below to
Service mergers and name changes
If your service mergers with another or there is a change to the provider name, please complete and send the form below to
Patient consent
Patients assessed for PR up to 31 March 2024: For a patient's data to be included in the audit, their consent must be obtained using this form.
Patients assessed for PR from 1 April 2024: The National Data Opt-Out scheme applies to services in England. Services in Wales will need to follow their local data opt-out procedures.
Information governance
- Sharing identifiable data - information on when and how NRAP might share identifiable data, and a record on when this has occurred
- Data flows for PR - diagram showing how NRAP and its stakeholders access and use clinical data on pulmonary rehabilitation
- PR clinical fair processing - detailed explanation of NRAP’s approval to collect and store clinical data on people with respiratory conditions assessed for PR, and how data is shared with NRAP’s stakeholders
- Information governance frequently asked questions
- Pulmonary rehabilitation NDO frequently asked questions
- Pulmonary rehabilitation metrics
Information to share with patients
Information for patients and details about how NRAP works in partnership with patients and carers can be found on the patient support page.
- PR user guide - detailed support for accessing and using the webtool as well as advice on information governance, data collection and submission.
- PR welcome pack - detailed information for new users of the webtool as well as links to other useful materials.
- PR frequently asked questions - find answers to the common questions PR services have about the NRAP clinical audit. Questions cover general information on the audit, technical questions on how to use the audit webtool, and questions on how we collect, store, use and share data.
- PR clinical audit dataset v3 - see the full list of data points you will be asked to enter on the audit webtool for each patient included in the audit. The document includes help notes to help you respond to each question.
- PR clinical audit dataset v4 - for use from November 2023, for the expanded PR Audit. A new v4 dataset has been introduced as part of an expansion of the PR clinical audit to include COPD related and other respiratory conditions. You can now enter all patients that have had an initial assessment appointment date on or after 1 November 2023.
- Importing technical guidance for the NRAP audits
- Guidance for using the webtool import function
- Data entry deadlines 2023-2026
- New user video (part 1) - welcome and registration
- New user video (part 2) - entering and accessing data and reports
- Video tutorial - how to use NRAP benchmarking table
- Video tutorial - how to use NRAP runchart
Healthcare improvement (HI) support for PR services
Generic and pulmonary rehabilitation specific HI support is available for everyone on the NRAP website. This includes:
- Recommendations for HI priorities
- Slide sets highlighting key findings from clinical audit reports to inform and support clinical teams to make improvements
- Templates for driver diagrams, PDSA cycles and SMART aims
For more information about NRAP's HI strategy and activities, click here.